Level 1 of the Dispute Resolution Process (Discussion & Consultation)

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(note: video explains going from Level One to Level Two, however, Level Two is currently suspended.  See item 7 below for more details.)

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To begin no more than 90 days after the perceived violation has occurred, and to conclude within 60 days of initiating discussion and/or consultation


1.) It is expected that anytime there is a perceived violation of the AVLIC Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Professional Conduct, the complainant will go to the interpreter(s) involved to address and attempt to resolve the issue(s) in a professional manner and in a spirit of respect and cooperation. In some situations, the complainant may request support from local IRPs, and the IRPs may choose to address the issue with the interpreter on behalf of the complainant, if appropriate. The goal of discussion is to restore an on-going professional relationship. Every effort should be made to resolve a complaint at this level.


2.) If the complainant does not wish to initiate this process, the issue will be considered resolved. It is expected that all parties will continue working collaboratively.


3.) When the complainant and the interpreter are unable to resolve an issue, either may approach the Deaf IRP or the hearing IRP for information, education, clarification or other support that might lead to a resolution of the dispute. If requested by both parties, an IRP may attend an informal meeting to offer information, to clarify issues and to assist in resolving the issue.


4.) The IRP approached may consult with her/his IRP team members throughout Level One. The IRP will recommend mediation when there is no resolution.


5.) Before advancing to Level Three, both parties must participate in a minimum of one mediation meeting. The only exception to this is when the behavior alleged is particularly heinous in nature, in which case the IRPs may recommend that the complainant file a formal grievance or seek a legal resolution.


6.) All action taken at Level One is informal. During Level One, no documents will be kept, no filing of a formal complaint and no written dispute resolution agreement will occur.


7.) If a resolution is not found please contact the AVLIC DRP Coordinator to discuss any further options.  During the review of the DRP, Level Two and Level Three of the original DRP have been suspended until further notice.