Update from the Board of Directors

The Board has been very busy since the conference in Niagara Falls and we thank you for your patience in waiting for this update.  We have been working through the summer to prepare for the upcoming election, continue with the commitment to establish the PCRP by December, and to start to unpack and address the systemic racism within the association. This is a short update, with details on the upcoming elections to follow..  


CASLI has hired Mihad Fahmy, LL.B, LL.M, to review the interim complaints process and ensure that when the full PCRP is running it is equitable to all CASLI members and communities we serve.  You can find more information about Mihad on this website


The current Board is consultations to establish a long term plan with the goal to make CASLI as an organization one that is accessible and safe for all members and stakeholders.  This process is not a fast one but we are committed to doing things the right way, which is not necessarily the fastest way.  We are currently consulting with several people, including those who specialize in:

            Diversity and Inclusion 

            Human Rights



If you have any suggestions of a particular organization or individual to contact we are happy to receive suggestions. Please refer suggestions to Acting President, Alana McKenna at president@avlic.ca


The Board has reached out to all Affiliate Chapters to discuss information sharing about the important happenings at the 2018 Conference in Niagara Falls, most notably regarding the Silent No More letter and systemic racism within the Association, and to start these critical discussions on a provincial level. This is an important time for our Association and we appreciate the support from the Affiliate Chapters in relaying information and providing us with regional perspectives in addition to individual members. Thank you also to everyone who has reached out to us with questions and to have conversations about the future of our Association.  We look forward to more discussions with members and stakeholders. 


Please look for an update on the upcoming election from us soon. 


If you have any questions please contact Alana McKenna at president@avlic.ca